Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The very best ham and bacon is produced right here in Vermont by Vermont Smoke and Cure in South Barre.
Here's Karen accepting our winning raffle prize of a wonderful selection of their products from the Chief Smoker!!
Our guests are raving about the quality and tastes of all their smoked meats--bacon, ham, sausages.
Look for their labels in your nearest store! 100% local!!

From New Britian, Connecticut the Okoro Family came to visit with us for a couple of days...nice ti see Sue & Sunny and Jessica and Sunny, Jr.
They had a nice visit and tour of Green's Sugarhouse, too!
Are the Red Sox still in first place?

What were people doing by the corner of Main and Beaman Street?

A wonderful BBQ concludes with the cutting of the cake to celebrate VEMAS' location into Poultney.
Nice job everyone!!

The Play's the in Poultney for the summer as the talented troup performed a rousing rendition of A Taming of the Shrew to appreciative crowds.
Thanks to Kitty for keeping culture and the arts alive!

Made our way to Burlington for a Lake Monsters game against Hudson Valley...

...there's Champ, doing his/its "thing"...
They won handily, too.

The Rotary Club's Initial Art Auction at GMC had all kinds of raise funds for the Melodeon Factory repair and restoration...

...we liked some of the works and bid and won a piece.

The cheese tray and wines were excellent!

The Hamptons, not from the Hamptons, but from Exeter, NH, Harry and Peg, stopped by and stayed with us along with Peg's sister, MaryJo.
Elizabeth Lewis was there, too!

Sunday sumemr evening concerts on the Green in East Poultney...
...and a one and a two...

Who's with Mugsy?

Hint: It's Jim and Tina from New Jersey.

Blackie was given a second chance to show that she was a
good mother...her two baby chicks are really cute!
Care to give them a name?

Heading back to Stuart, Florida with some precious momentoes of Poultney, Kat Moran found come neat pieces of slate.
Are you taking them to the Flagler Grill?

We help Sam White's new Orpingtons stretch out before they acclimate themselves to the flock with our new fangled coop system.
This won't make Backyard Poultry magazine but is cheap and easy!

Up, up, and away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is that Mystery Man?
Answer and win a prize.

New chickies...again...

Some happy visitors from Branford...