Saturday, July 15, 2006

More pictures from the Fair Haven Peace Pole Ceremony.

Renee is so enegetic! And so dedicated to promoting peace poles...did you know that besides being a public school teacher here, she was also a teacher in Waterbury, Connecticut!

And...she promotes peace and peace poles!!! In her "spare" time she is a2nd Lieutenant in the Vermont National Guard. How's that for being committed to peace?

PS: I got to carry the China flag among others. Karen took Italia and three other flags.
Viva Bolivia!

Peace Pole Ceremony on the Green in Fair Haven.

Renee Marie, a Fair Haven resident and teacher in Rutland, has been sponsoring and "planting" peace poles everywhere. This one was to coincide with Memorial Day. We joined with her to promote peace as the only way to more war!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Poultney High School Project Graduation

Jenny O'Connor, a professional artist and school teacher in Hoosick Fall, NY helped out with the PHSPG during the wee hours of the night with drawing caricatures and other features during the evening festivties.

Along with husband Mike they enjoyed their stay with and had a great time at breakfast.

Thanks, Jenny and Mike! Hope to see you again.

UVM grad and HSC math teacher on the way up the Appalachian Trail and onward to his 35th reunion in Burlington.

Stayed here with us for a couple of days to relax, hike and visit.

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