Friday, May 12, 2006

Travelling to that "other state", New Hampshire, we enjoyed a wonderful visit to St. Gaudens National Historic park in Cornish, NH.

Augustus St. Gaudens was America's foremost and best-known sculptor in the late 1800's and early 1900's, best known for his Shaw's Memorial Sculpture and many other works. His summer home and final residence overlooking the Connecitcut River has lovely gardens and pleasant places to view many of his works.

The Shaw Memorial commemorates the first Northern company of African-American soldiers to serve in the Civil War. The unit, from Massachusetts, fought with bravery and many commendations. The were led by Capt. Shaw, a Caucasian, who was mortally wounded in their first engagement. The sculture is powerful and stirring. You just have to see it!

St. Gaudens' NHP is just 70 miles from the Birdhouse Inn.

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