Our first Christmas on Main Street Open House and town celebration was a success. The Birdhouse Inn B&B, Holly Hill Inn, Poultney Inn and Bentley House opened their beautifully decorated homes to the public for tours of the inns. Along with vendors such Everyday Flowers and Greens Sugarhouse at or inn visitors at the inns had the opportunity to purchase some Christmas gifts and enjoy beverages and snacks.
We had over 75 people sign our guest book so now we are becoming better known in the community as a cozy place to stay when you need accommodations in the Poultney area.
Guests made voluntary contributions to assist the Poultney Food Shelf. At our inn we collected $100 towards the over $400 that was received by the inns to go towards assisting those in our area who need emergency food assistance. Many thakns to all who attended our open house and contributed to our efforts.
Let's do it again next year!
Who are those luvvies?
Name those celebrities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!