Bobwhite, bobwhite, bobwhite...
Guess who came into our side yard for an extended stay the other day?
A large, plump bird related to the quail, not Dan!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

News from the Poultney Chamber of Commerce:
“Spring has truly sprung. Our area is greening up and nature is awakening from itswinter’s rest. It is such a beautiful time of year.”
Activity in the Lakes Region is also picking up.
Special Events Planned that you will not want to miss:
1. Green Mountain College graduates on Saturday, May 13 at 10:00 AM. Sam Waterston of NBC’s Law & Order is the speaker.
2. The Chamber’s Annual Town Wide Yard Sale is scheduled for June 3.
3. The July 4th celebration, a full afternoon and evening of games, music, fun and food at the Elementary School Field, culminating in the annual Fireworks display. And the Martin Devlin Fun Run and the parade floats.
4. The Poultney Street Fair is scheduled for Saturday, July 22 from 5-8PM.
5. The Poultney Welcome Center is open to the public between the hours of 9AM and 3PM daily from Memorial Day through Labor Day Weekend.
6. Sponsored by the Rotary Club, the 2006 Vermont Lakes Region Cycling Weekend will take place at Green Mountain College on July 15th and 16th, 2006. The proceeds from this event will benefit our community’s youth and education projects and the Poultney Food Shelf.
Make your reservations with us soon at the Birdhouse Inn B&B.
Karen and Brian

Who says that there is no culture in Poultney?
85 Main Street's Studio Show Saturday featured the works of Derek Anderson, Johanna Brown, Masumi Nyui, Amber Rohe, and Laura Teschka. The artists' reception was a fine mix of artists, educators, interested visitors, and just plain ole folks like you and me!
Prints, textiles, drawings, and ceremaics were among the works displayed.
Nice job, all!
Chekc them out at:

I ventured to my first Poultney Library book discussion. The series involves "food", of course. This month's author was Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni who wrote The Mistress of Spices. Nomally, I wouldn't read such a story: a tale of of fantasy, mystery, and intrique, a "romantic novel", of sorts. But each chapter was titled by a "spice" and what powers it had over people when the powers were invoked by the Mistress of Spices. So, I kept on reading!
Actually, an enjoyable book. The book group had lively discussions and a tasting of some Indian food to boot!
Looking forward to the next book.

More choo, choos...
We saw the 59 model traisn decorated by local artist to beautify and revitalize downtown Rutland. The trains will be at the buisness sponsors throughout the city until October where they will be auctioned as a fund raiser for the arts and city.
Check out Chris Edmunds train!
Did you like Lise Cacciatore's "Chew, Chew" from the other page?
All aboard...
Monday, May 01, 2006

After a Birdhouse Inn special breakfast consisting of:
- Karen's Special Apricot Scones
- Strawberry Banana Buckwheat Crepes with Green's Maple Syrup
- Poached Eggs
- Turkey Bacon
- Fresh Pineapple
- Orange Juice
- Tea and Coffee
Our guests head up north to Burlington to move the Champlain College freshman back home to Hamden for the summer recess. Have a safe trip, great ones!
Do you recognize these folks?

Guess who came to dinner this weekend?
As a first course those Maine Maholgany clams with egg fettucine were scrumptious!
Plus, we made panko crusted chicken breasts stuffed with portobello mushrooms, ham and cheese served with whole wheat pasta along with a nice chopped Spanish salad.
Come by sometime and enjoy!
Make your reservations at:
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Recently, I have been attending the Town Gown Committee of Poultney and Green Mountain College which shares news of relevance to bot sides of the local community.
Due to my (former) interests, I have suggested a Math League Competition for Slate Valley Schools to be held at GMC sometime in the future. Looks like October 2006 may be a good time for the event. Folks on the committee are excited about the possibilites.
Do you recognize anyone seen at a recent meeting?
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