Nicholas Auctions in Whitehall, New York is where we spent last evening at a great glass auction, MOSTLY tootpick holders and salt holders...literally hundreds and hundres of them! In boxes and cases, we've never seen so many. And they were going, the sets, for hundreds of dollars per lot, wow! The groups of glass or metal containers, all so delicate, were arranged by color or design or a theme. We missed out on a boxful of covered glass salt holders which were all different types of chickens made of glass and in many colors. I think there were about 20 of them. The box went for over $100.
I'm not there yet as far as a salt holder/Birdhouse Inn innkeeper/collector goes. As you probably know we have too many "collections" already, but they were oh so cute!
We did not go away empty-handed, though. We bid on a salt & pepper set group and got it for $20. It came with a mustrad pot set, yeah! (the mustard pots that we already have need to go on display next.) Towards the end I saw another set of S&P's and this time went over the top and bid $50 and got that, too! Not too much to bring home and since they are small enough, for now, these little gems, salt holds, salt & peppers, and mustard pots, will not clutter up the Birdhouse Inn. And they will add a nice Vermont touch to our B&B.
When there is another auction, I'll let you know.
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